
Competencies Reflection

Professional Foundations:

In terms of professional foundation in instructional design, I feel that 705, 704, 730 and 732 set the stage for understanding how far Instructional Design has come and where it is going.  These courses provide me with great insight into the who, what, when, where and why of instructional design.  With the addition of this knowledge it has helped me develop instructional products that incorporates theoretically  sound approaches to learning.  Learning about instructional strategies, theories, learning activities and environments have equipped me with a better understanding of how to approach a learning scenario with the appropriate considerations.

Design and Development:

In this section courses 732, 752, 772, 575, 526, 704 and 611 has been instrumental in helping me with gain a better understanding regarding design and development.  Many of the aforementioned courses afforded me with new technology and tools to assist with the development of sound instruction.  In addition, I also learned how to develop and design distance learning courses for a variety of audiences to meet the required needs. Also, the use of various assessment techniques was covered as well.  The use of summative, conformative and formative evaluation will ensure that the instruction provided is in directly alignment with the needs assessment.

Implementation and Management:

Courses 573, 752, 732, 705, 611, provided greater insight into Instructional Design from a management and project approach to accomplishing set goals.  Since this program has been project-based, I feel that I can go forward and work on any team in a cohesive and collaborative manner.  The courses afforded me the opportuntiy to work as a project manager/team lead  and also in a supporting role as a team member.  Also, learning basic project management fundamentals has been useful to me when it was my turn to take the lead on a project.


Below you will find the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (IBPTSI) proficiency levels of achievement as it relates to professional foundations, design and development and implementation and management competencies met during the Instructional Design program.  In addition, a link to a Word version of this chart is available below.

Competencies Course(s) Applicable Proficiency
Communicate effectively in visual, oral and written form. All applicable course numbers are based on the Education Instructional Technology abbreviation
Create messages that accommodate learner needs and characteristics, content and objectives. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732 Proficient
Write and edit text to produce messages that are clear, concise, and grammatically correct. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732 Proficient
Apply principles of message design to page layout and screen design. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732 Proficient
Create or select visuals that instruct, orient, or motivate. 526, 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732 Proficient
Deliver presentations that effectively engage and communicate. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732, 590 Proficient
Use active listening skills in all situations. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732, 526, 573, 590 Proficient
Present and receive information in a manner that is appropriate for the norms and tasks of the group or team. 705, 611,730, 772, 573, 732, 590 Proficient
Seek and share information and ideas among individuals with diverse backgrounds and roles. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732, 573, 590 Proficient
Facilitate meetings effectively. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732, 573, 590 Proficient
Apply current research and theory to the practice
of instructional design.
Promote, apply and disseminate the results of instructional design theory and research. 705, 611, 730, 772, 575, 732, 590 Proficient
Read instructional design research, theory and practice literature. 705, 611,730, 590 Proficient
Apply concepts, techniques and theory of other disciplines to problems of learning, instruction and instructional design. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732
Update and improve one’s skill, knowledge and attitudes pertaining to instructional design and related fields.
Apply developments in instructional design and related fields. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732 Proficient
Acquire and apply new technology skills to instructional design practices. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732 Proficient
Participate in professional activities. Not addressed
Document one’s work as a foundation for future efforts, publications or professional presentation. Not addressed
Establish and maintain contacts with other professionals. 704, 705, 611, 732 Proficient
Apply fundamental research skills to instructional design projects.
Use a variety of data collection tools and procedures. 705, 732, 590 Proficient
Apply appropriate research methodologies to needs assessment and evaluation. 705, 732, 590 Proficient
Use basic statistical techniques in needs assessment and evaluation. 705, 732 Somewhat Proficient
Write research and re-evaluation reports. 590 Proficient
Identify and resolve ethical and legal implications
of design in the workplace.
Identify ethical and legal dimensions of instructional design practices. 526, 611, 732 Proficient
Anticipate and respond to ethical consequences of design decisions. 732, 611, 526 Proficient
Recognize and respect intellectual property rights of others. 611, 732, 526 Proficient
Recognize the ethical and legal implications and consequences of instructional products. 611, 732, 526 Proficient
Adhere to regulatory guidelines and organizational policies. 526, 705 Proficient
Conduct a needs assessment.
Describe the problem and its dimensions, identifying the discrepancies between current and desired performance. 705, 732, 730, 611 Proficient
Clarify the varying perceptions of need and their implications. 705, 732, 730, 611 Proficient
Select and use appropriate needs assessment tools and techniques. 705, 732, 730, 611 Proficient
Determine the possible causes of the problem and potential solutions. 705, 732, 730, 611 Proficient
Recommend and advocate non-instructional solutions when appropriate. Not Addressed
Complete a cost benefits analysis for recommended solutions. Not Addressed
Design a curriculum or program.
Determine the scope of the curriculum or program. 705, 611, 730, 732 Proficient
Specify courses based upon needs assessment outcomes. 705, 732, 730, 611 Proficient
Sequence courses for learners and groups of learners. 705, 732, 730, 611 Proficient
Analyze and modify existing curricula or programs to insure adequate content coverage. Not Addressed
Modify an existing curriculum to reflect changes in society, the knowledge base, technology, and or the organization. Not Addressed
Select and use a variety of techniques for
determining instructional content.
Identify content requirements in accordance with needs assessment findings. 705, 611,730, 732, 573 Proficient
Elicit, synthesize and validate content from subject matter experts and other sources. 732 Proficient
Determine the breadth and depth of intended content coverage given instructional constraints. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732, 573 Proficient
Determine prerequisites given the type of subject matter, the needs of the learner and the organization. 704, 732, 752 Proficient
Use appropriate techniques to analyze varying types of content. 704, 705, 573 Proficient
Identify and describe target population characteristics.
Determine characteristics of the target population influencing learning and transfer. 704, 705, 526 Proficient
Analyze, evaluate and select learner profile data relevant to a particular design situation. 704, 705, 611, 730, 732, 752 Proficient
Analyze the characteristics of the environment.
Identify aspects of the physical and social environments that impact the delivery of instruction. 704, 705, 730, 732, 752, 611 Proficient
Identify environmental and cultural aspects that influence attitudes toward instructional intervention. 704, 705, 730, 732, 752, 611 Proficient
Identify environmental and cultural factors that influence learning, attitudes, and performance. 704, 705, 730, 732, 752, 611 Proficient
Identify the nature and role of varying work environments in the teaching and learning process. 704, 705, 730, 732, 752, 611 Proficient
Determine the extent to which organizational mission, philosophy and values influence the design, implementation and success of a project. 573 Proficient
Analyze the characteristics of existing and emerging technologies and their use in an instructional environment.
Specify the capabilities of existing and emerging technologies to enhance motivation, visualization, interaction, simulation, and individualization. 526, 772, 575, 704, 705, 573 Proficient
Evaluate the capacity of a given infrastructure to support selected technologies. 573 Proficient
Assess the benefits of existing and emerging technologies. 573, 611 Proficient
Reflect upon the elements of a situation before finalizing design solutions and strategies.
Generate multiple solutions to a given problem situation. 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Remain open to alternative solutions until sufficient data have been collected and verified. 573 Proficient
Assess the consequences and implications of design decisions on the basis of prior experience, intuition and knowledge. 704, 732, 752, 730 Proficient
Revisit selected solutions continuously and adjust as necessary. 732, 752 Proficient
Select, modify, or create a design and development model appropriate for a given project.
Consider multiple design and development models. 704, 705, 732, 752, 730 Proficient
Select or create a model suitable for the project based on an analysis of model elements. 705, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Modify the model if project parameters change. 732, 752 Proficient
Provide a rationale for the selected design and development model. 732, 752 Proficient
Select and use a variety of techniques to define and sequence the instructional content and strategies.
Use appropriate techniques to identify the conditions that determine the scope of the instructional content. 573, 704, 705, 730 Proficient
Use appropriate techniques to specify and sequence instructional goals and objectives. 704, 705 Proficient
Select appropriate media and delivery systems. 704, 705, 730, 732, 752, 611, 772 Proficient
Analyze the learning outcomes and select appropriate strategies. 704, 705, 730 Proficient
Analyze the instructional context and select appropriate strategies. 704, 730 Proficient
Select appropriate participation and motivational strategies. 704 Proficient
Select and sequence assessment techniques. 705 Proficient
Prepare a design document and circulate for review and approval. 705, 732, 752 Proficient
Select or modify existing instructional materials.
Identify existing instructional materials for reuse or modification consistent with instructional specifications. Not Addressed
Select materials to support the content analyses, proposed technologies, delivery methods and instructional strategies. Not Addressed
Use cost-benefit analyses to decide whether to modify, purchase or developing instructional materials. Not Addressed
Work with subject matter experts to validate material selection or modification. 732, 752
Integrate existing instructional materials into the design. Not Addressed
Develop instructional materials.
Develop materials that support the content analyses, proposed technologies, delivery methods, and instructional strategies. 704, 730, 705, 732, 752, 611 Proficient
Work with subject matter experts during the development process. 732, 752 Proficient
Produce instructional materials in a variety of delivery formats. 704, 705, 611, 575, 772, 730 Proficient
Design instruction that reflects an understanding of the diversity of learners and groups of learners.
Design instruction that accommodates different learning styles. 704, 705 Proficient
Be sensitive to the cultural impact of instructional materials. 704, 705, 526 Proficient
Accommodate cultural factors that may influence learning in the design. 704, 705, 526, 611 Proficient
Evaluate and assess instruction and its impact.
Construct reliable and valid test items using a variety of formats. 705, 752 Proficient
Identify the processes and outcomes to be measured given the identified problem and proposed solutions. 705, 752 Proficient
Develop and implement formative evaluation plans. 705, 752 Proficient
Develop and implement summative evaluation plans. 705 Proficient
Develop and implement confirmative evaluation plans. 705 Proficient
Determine the impact of instruction on the organization. 705, 752 Proficient
Identify and assess the sources of evaluation data. 705, 752 Proficient
Manage the evaluation process. 705, 752 Proficient
Discuss and interpret evaluation reports with stakeholders. 752 Proficient
Plan and manage instructional design projects.
Establish project scope and goals. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Use a variety of techniques to develop a project plan. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Write project proposals. 573, 752, 732, 705 Somewhat proficient
Develop project information systems. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Monitor multiple instructional design projects. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Allocate resources to support the project plan. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Select and manage internal and external consultants. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Monitor congruence between performance and project plans. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Troubleshoot project problems. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Debrief design team to establish lessons learned. 573, 752, 732, 705 Proficient
Promote collaboration, partnerships and relationships among the participants in a design project.
Identify how and when collaboration and partnerships should be promoted. 705, 611,730, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Identify stakeholders and the nature of their involvement. 705, 611,730, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Identify subject matter experts to participate in the design and development process. 705, 611,730, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Build and promote effective relationships that may impact a design project. 705, 611,730, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Determine how to use cross-functional teams. 705, 611,730, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Promote and manage the interactions among team members. 705, 611,730, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Plan for the diffusion of instructional or performance improvement products. 705, 611,730, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Apply business skills to managing instructional design.
Link design efforts to the strategic plans of the organization. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732, 752, 573 Proficient
Establish strategic and tactical goals for the design function. 732, 752, 704 Proficient
Use a variety of techniques to establish standards of excellence. 705, 611,730, 772, 575, 732, 752, 704, 573, 526 Proficient
Develop a business case to promote the critical role of the design function. Not Addressed
Recruit, retain, and develop instructional design personnel. Not Addressed
Provide financial plans and controls for the instructional design function. Not Addressed
Maintain management and stakeholder support of design function. 732, 752 Proficient
Market services and manage customer relations. Not Addressed
Design instructional management systems.
Establish systems for documenting learner progress and course completion. Not Addressed
Establish systems for maintaining records and issuing reports of individual and group progress. Not Addressed
Establish systems for diagnosing individual needs and prescribing instructional alternatives. Not Addressed
Provide for the effective implementation of instructional
products and programs.
Use evaluation data as a guide for revision of products and programs. 732, 752 Proficient
Update instructional products and programs as required. 732, 752 Proficient
Monitor and revise the instructional delivery process as required. 732, 752 Proficient
Revise instructional products and programs to reflect changes in professional practice or policy. Not Addressed
Revise instructional products and programs to reflect changes in the organization or target population. 732, 752 Proficient
Recommend plans for organizational support of instructional programs. 732, 752 Proficient

IBPTSI:  Competencies Chart