
Welcome, this page houses some of the artifacts that were develop during my time in the Instructional Design and Development program.  Feel free to explore and become familiar with some of the work that I completed in the IDD program.  Since many of the assignments were project-based, in many instances I completed tasks as the project lead/manager and worked collaboratively with other members on various teams .

This artifact is derivative from a team project in which my team was tasked with producing a document that represented the Instructional Design cycle. Since my members of my team was new to instructional design, they requested that I take the lead on the project to keep us on track with the content required and submission of the deliverables.  EDIT – 705

Instructional Design Document

User Guide

The artifacts below include web-based training developed with the captivate tool . In this course all work was completed on an individual level. EDIT – 575 Captivate

The artifact includes the research, analysis and solution to the problem as outlined by the task for this class.   EDIT – 732

Final Performance Analysis Document

The artifacts contained below represents usability testing conducted with high school geometry students.  Our team sought out to find a way in which we could make learning engaging for the students using a mobile device. For this project I worked in dual roles as a team lead as well as a team member. EDIT – 752

Round1 Findings

Final Presentation (prototype included)

The artifact below include a collaborate project as well as an individual project in advance instructional design.  The artifacts also include a comparison/contrast of instructional strategies (objectivism vs. constructivism) as well an artifact using the Cognitive Flexibility Hypertext instructional strategy that is meant to elicit a change in attitude regarding a sensitive subject using hyperlinksEDIT – 730

Cognitive Flexibility Hypertext Model

Compare and Contrast Presentation

Compare and Contrast handout

The artifacts below include instructor guides using the behavioral modeling and the advance organizer instructional strategies. In addition, I have included a job aid that provides highlights regarding instructional strategies and theories. EDIT – 704

Behavioral Modeling

Advanced Organizer


The artifacts afforded me the opportunity to learn about podcast’s.  I learned about creating segments, using content management systems and using my voice as tool to convey my message to an audience.  This coursework was completed individually. EDIT –  575

Podcast Episode # 102

Podcast Episode #103

The sample artifacts below include fundamental principles when managing a project (project proposal document and project plan)  This was a collaborative project. EDIT – 573

Project Proposal

Project Plan (Microsoft Project is needed for viewing)